Top Ten Movies the Oscars Did Dirty

I know the Oscars are very hit or miss when it comes to the awards, and many people have complained about and praised Oscars in the past, but I love me some revisionist history, so this week’s Top Ten is dedicated to movies which I believe got short-ended come Awards night.Now, there are several reasons why a movie might have been short-ended, or screwed, at … Continue reading Top Ten Movies the Oscars Did Dirty

Top Ten Disney Films

I am pleased to present a list of my personal Top Ten Disney films. Now, Disney films these days cover a lot of different films, from animated to “live-action” re-makes, to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars, among others. For the purposes of this list, I will be considering the “classic” animated Disney films as well as some other, live-action films which Disney produced. … Continue reading Top Ten Disney Films